could not get the zipper up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hadn't been too worried about it fitting since it laces up in the back and I hadn't had any problems with the zipper before. So, she got it up about half way.
Needless to say......I'm basically not going to eat for the next week and a half! I figure it's a small price to pay to fit into the dress I paid way too much for. ;)
I'm having some deja vu...
About seven years ago, my brother was getting married and his wonderful Carla asked me to be a bridesmaid. The dress arrived about 2 1/2 weeks before the wedding. It had two pieces and I got the skirt on just fine. However, the top was quite a bit too tight. So, I began eating nothing for breakfast or lunch except homemade fruit smoothies (basically fruit and ice). Also, I'm pretty sure that there were quite a few trips to the gym.
So, it's back to the wedding diet for me. Good thing I have the time. Well, wish me luck!!!!