Monday, January 25, 2010

We really didn't need it...but it's fun to have!

So, for being a tech guy, Simon has very little technology in his life. He has a pretty basic computer that he likes to mess with and fix up. His phone is pretty basic. Up until recently, we watched TV on 27', 10-year old televisions. He's extremely frugal, so it takes quite a bit of pushing from me to acquire new technology. I originally wanted to buy a flat screen television as a wedding gift for him, but the money ran short (as it almost always does in a wedding). We waited and thought and thought and waited. Finally, I suggested putting together an actual fund to save up for the purchase. We did and were amazed at how quickly the money came together. Between Christmas money and weddings (Simon performs weddings as a hobby and makes pretty good money doing it!), the money came together during the Christmas break. We did our research and went out on the hunt. After visiting 6 stores (Target, Walmart, Sams, Conns, Best Buy, and Fry's), we settled on one and decided to buy. It took some pretty "gentle" persuasion from me to get Simon to hand over the money, but he did it and we took home our new toy!

It took up the whole back seat of the car. I was really worried that it wasn't going to fit!

I loved seeing him this happy and excited. It was so fun!

Out with the old...

Unpacking it and seeing it for the first time.

In with the new!
I hate to admit it, but we watch a lot of TV. We're getting better, but it's fun to snuggle up and relax at night. This makes it so much more fun. We still occasionally comment on how amazing the picture is. We love it!!!

(For those of you who were wondering it's a 50' plasma LG.)

PS-This post is not meant to be any kind of brag or anything, so please don't take it that way. This is a fun thing we decided to do and I wanted to share it with the world.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Laundry Room Remodel

Laundry is not my favorite thing in the world, so shortly after moving in, I decided that the laundry room needed some brightening up...just to make the chore slightly less despicable. I decided on a nice bright yellow. Simon was kind enough to donate some of his time off of work to help with the project.

Originally, the walls were white with white shelves (quite warped) on the wall.
(I always forget to take pictures before I start the project.)

What a handsome painter!

Carefully cutting it in...

And...there you have it!

I spray painted the shelves black and they look nice and modern. When we redo the kitchen, I think we're going to use the old cabinets from there to put in here. We'll see!

One final touch to this project was a homemade curtain. It was my first real project on the sewing machine I got for Christmas. The material is really cool cause it's fuzzy! I like it!

The final thing I'd like to add is some vinyl lettering on the walls. I have a few quotes that I'm debating. Let me know what you think:
1. Laundry Today or Naked Tomorrow
2. Laundry Room...Drop Your Drawers Here