Hate spending money on greeting cards for your spouse for every occasion? Hate finding places to store those greeting cards from your spouse? Hate the guilty feeling you get after throwing away old greeting cards? Want to be able to keep the sentiments together and available?
Well, I have your solution...sort of.
I can't remember where I read this idea, but I love it and wanted to share it with "the world"...or the few of you who read my blog. Here it is...
Instead of purchasing cards for your spouse for Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, etc, purchase a journal. On the day of the event when you would normally give and receive greeting cards, use the journal to write a letter/note to your spouse. Then, leave the journal where they will find it and enjoy the special note.
Here are a few of the benefits of this method:
1. Save money on greeting cards
2. Save the environment by not having to dispose of the used cards
3. You get to save the special messages. You can go back and read the sweet, thoughtful notes exchanged between you and your spouse through the years.
Simon and I have just begun this, and while I still enjoy a good greeting card every once in a while, I look forward to being able to keep all the messages in one place that we can go back and enjoy in the future.
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I like it. :) You're just full of good ideas. I think I'll have to steal this one too.
that's a great idea! I have a stash of all Preston's cards he's written to me...at least I think I have them all gathered together
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