Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Pretty sure no one reads this, but I needed a place to verbalize some feelings.

I'm trying to do too much. I need to cut out of my life those things that don't really matter. Let me list a few:
* television
* pinterest
* crafting
* redocrating the house
* creating fancy foods for festivus
* trying to "keep up with the mommies"
* lose weight

I enjoy these things. I don't do them because I feel like I have to. I like crafting. I want my house to be pleasant. I want to enjoy my home and I think I will enjoy it more if it is pleasantly decorated. However, that cannot be my number one goal. It just cannot be!! Emma is my focus. I need to get rid of "stuff" so I can focus on the basics. Not sure how to do that, and most days I'm still just trying to survive.

I don't know. Guess that's it.


Amy said...

Hey I read this! I am right in this same situation. I struggle with it daily. Someone asked me what my hobbies were and I couldn't even come up with anything. I think all mom's feel this way.

Bethany said...

I know exactly how you feel...even though I'm just now reading this :). I have times that I feel I'm juggling everything so nicely, then times I do good just to make sure everyone's fed and bathed! I thought staying at home, I'd be able to always be on top of everything...that was a misconception!! I daily remind myself that I want to enjoy these times with my kids because they will go so fast.