Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Laundry Room Remodel

Laundry is not my favorite thing in the world, so shortly after moving in, I decided that the laundry room needed some brightening up...just to make the chore slightly less despicable. I decided on a nice bright yellow. Simon was kind enough to donate some of his time off of work to help with the project.

Originally, the walls were white with white shelves (quite warped) on the wall.
(I always forget to take pictures before I start the project.)

What a handsome painter!

Carefully cutting it in...

And...there you have it!

I spray painted the shelves black and they look nice and modern. When we redo the kitchen, I think we're going to use the old cabinets from there to put in here. We'll see!

One final touch to this project was a homemade curtain. It was my first real project on the sewing machine I got for Christmas. The material is really cool cause it's fuzzy! I like it!

The final thing I'd like to add is some vinyl lettering on the walls. I have a few quotes that I'm debating. Let me know what you think:
1. Laundry Today or Naked Tomorrow
2. Laundry Room...Drop Your Drawers Here


Sarah said...

I Laughed out loud at "laundry today or naked tomorrow." That's my vote :) You inspire me to tackle my laundry room, but i'm not motivated enough :)

Jules said...

Both quotes are awesome, but I think the first one is the best! laundry or naked.

Amy said...

awesome! you do a great job on everything you are remodeling. I can't decide on the quotes. they are both too great. maybe put them both on somehow..

AJones said...

How bout "clean yourself, scum!"

miss ya