Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The First Step of a Thousand Mile Journey

So, I love my husband dearly, but he doesn't happen to be the most dedicated lawn maintainer. Therefore, I've known for a while now that the yard at my new home is in need of some serious help.
First, the grass is pretty sparse. (Watering is something that only happens here when nature makes it happen). Second, all the bushes and trees in the front yard are seriously overgrown. Some of them aren't even supposed to be there. There are some fairly large "trees" that weren't even planted on purpose. Needless to say, there's a lot of work to be done.
Luckily, while we both loathe yard work normally, we actually enjoy doing it together. It's still hard work, but at least we get to do it together. So, here are some early pictures of the overhaul of the front yard:

We've got a LOOOOOOOOONG way to go, but it's a good start.


Amy said...

wow I like your house it is so cute! Good luck with the yard work, I've always been a hater too!

Debbie (Hutchinson) Evans said...

Wow! Y'all worked really hard! It looks terrific!

Jules said...

Personally, I love yard work! (if it isn't too hot outside) It is such hard work, but SO rewarding!! :) It looks like you two are off to a great start!!