Hi everyone!
It has been a very long long time since I wrote and much has happened. First, I moved to Utah where I've been teaching second grade. I love living here. It is so beautiful! Just the other day, I set of on a driving adventure, touring parts of my city that I hadn't even been in yet. I just kept looking around at the mountains and the Great Salt Lake and kept thinking how beautiful they are. I'm gonna be sad when I have to leave them....
But not too sad because I'm leaving to be in the same state with my honey....and to get ready to get married. I'm certainly excited about that, even if it means leaving the beauty of Utah for the amazingness of Texas. I miss Texas...and Simon.
Anyway, life is good. Wedding plans are coming along. I had my first bridal shower yesterday. The wonderful ladies I work with put it all together and it was so much fun! It was just an open house type during lunch at the school. It was fun to feel so loved. Next on the list of wedding plans to conquer is invitations. Hopefully I can get them done next weekend and sent out not too much longer after that. That's the goal anyway.
Well, I suppose that's about all the highlights. I'm gonna keep more on top of this now, so watch for more updates!
Yeah!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you. Yeah!!!! So when is the big day? When are you coming back to Texas? You'll have to let me know so we can hang out together and you can meet little Benjamin. Anyways, Love ya. email me emtchick4u@hotmail.com or call me 435-313-0929 emtff4u.blogspot.com
Welcome back. Although, this is the first time I've seen your blog... welcome anyway!
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